
Here you will find admission regulations for certifiers, but also new regulations for certification.

German Accreditation Body (DAkkS)
German (national) accreditation body in the area not regulated by law

European co-operation for Accreditation (EA)
European accreditation umbrella organisation

International Accreditation Forum Inc. (IAF)
International umbrella organisation for accreditation

Standardisation bodies

Here you will find the latest information on the development of standards, but also opportunities to obtain standards.

International Standards Organisation
International Standards body

Other regulations

Here you will find industry-specific rules and regulations and their development

Qualitätsmanagement-Center des VDA e.V.
Rules and regulations in the automotive industry

International Automotive Task Force (IATF)
Rules and regulations in the automotive industry

Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA)
Road Traffic Law, Verification

Sicherheits-Certifikat-Contraktoren (SCC)
Rules and regulations for contractors

TÜV pages

Here you will find news about interesting TÜV developments as well as other TÜV products and services.

TÜV Verband (TÜV Association)
TÜV umbrella organisation

TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH
TÜV SÜD Group training courses

Other addresses

Other information with a focus on management systems

Initiative Erfurter Kreuz e.V.
Cooperation partners for the promotion of the regional economy

Quality Engineering (Konradin Mediengruppe)
Journal for Management Systems

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